Direct Your Gift

Choose How Your Gift Makes an Impact

You can choose the impact you want to make for FSCJ students: workforce development programming, scholarship support, enhanced academic programs, support of immersion projects, emergency student aid, and athletics.

Workforce Development

FSCJ provides exceptional programming and curriculum to meet the economic needs of our community; providing highly-skilled, specially-trained graduates who are career ready. Your gift will have a positive and lasting impact on the economic mobility and empowerment of today's graduates for generations to come.

Scholarship Support

Scholarships provide the critical means for many of our students to afford and elevate themselves through higher education. Scholarship funds are awarded based on a variety of factors including financial need, volunteerism, areas of study and academic success.

Program Enhancements

FSCJ works to provide the highest quality training and instruction available to its students in high-demand careers such as information technology, logistics, nursing, welding and aviation maintenance. Your support of FSCJ's program enhancements helps us sustain the competitive advantage our students enjoy in the workforce and further their career advancement opportunities.

Immersion Projects

The cornerstone of FSCJ's educational mission is to empower our students and faculty to succeed in doing their best work. That success is directly related to the quality of the facilities, equipment and infrastructure needed to immerse our students in a contemporary learning experience that prepares them for success in today's work environment. Your gift will help us keep pace with those evolving needs.

Student Emergency Aid

Many of our students are facing overwhelming hardships and challenges, such as food insecurities, housing, and access to technology and remote learning tools. Your gift will make an impact on the well-being of our students in need of immediate assistance.

BlueWave Athletics

A gift to BlueWave Athletics makes it possible for our promising athletes to have the best in facilities, equipment, training and conditioning while preparing their minds for the next step, wherever it may lead. You can direct your donation toward the general athletics fund or select to support one of our seven athletic teams.