Starting classes doesn’t have to be stressful! FSCJ has partnered with Follett to create FSCJ ACCESS, a simple and convenient way to ensure you are ready for class on day one. The program connects students to required learning materials before class even begins so you’ll be ready to learn and prepared to succeed.
Through FSCJ ACCESS, the discounted price of required digital learning materials for a select group of classes will be added to your tuition. The College will pull together these materials and they will be available in Canvas. While you will notice a slight increase in tuition, you can see a cost savings of as much as 63% on course materials when compared to the national retail costs for the same digital products.
There are no extra steps to complete. You’ll be automatically enrolled in FSCJ ACCESS when you register for participating classes.
Please note that a small selection of participating classes also have additional recommended and/or required materials that are not included with the FSCJ ACCESS program and will need to be purchased separately.
To see if your class selection is participating, you can check the class notes within myFSCJ for more information. Also, if you register for one of the FSCJ ACCESS classes, you will receive an email outlining the program.
If you do not want to participate in the FSCJ ACCESS program, you may opt out by completing the online form within the myFSCJ student portal. If you are in an ACCESS class, there will be an icon on your Student Center named FSCJ ACCESS Status, which is where you can complete the opt-out process.
With questions, email
A select number of classes are participating at this time. You can identify the participating classes through the attributes search function in myFSCJ or there will also be a class note that reads: “This class is part of the FSCJ ACCESS program and has the digital courseware built into the cost of the class. The cost of the courseware has been negotiated with the textbook vendor to secure the lowest possible price. For more information about the FSCJ ACCESS program as well as the opportunity to opt out and purchase the digital courseware on your own, please visit” Instructions can be found here.
Also, if you register for one of the classes participating in FSCJ ACCESS, you will receive additional emails outlining the program.
All materials in the FSCJ ACCESS program will be made available and delivered to you in Canvas. At this time, all products are digital; there are no paper-based products through the program. Please note that a small selection of participating classes also have additional recommended and/or required materials that are not included with the FSCJ ACCESS program and will need to be purchased separately.
One of the benefits of the FSCJ ACCESS program is that the costs associated with the FSCJ ACCESS materials are attached directly to the class charges. If you are using financial aid, and you have adequate aid, the costs of FSCJ ACCESS materials will be covered when your tuition and fees are covered. If you are self-paying, when you pay for your class you will also be paying for your FSCJ ACCESS materials.
After your successful enrollment, you will see your tuition and fee charges on your account, along with an additional FSCJ ACCESS charge for your course materials, which will appear as a separate line item charge.
Because FSCJ ACCESS course material charges are connected to the class, when you drop the class (prior to the end of the add/drop period for the session) the course fees will be automatically dropped. There is no additional action required on your part once you have dropped the class.
If you do not wish to participate in FSCJ ACCESS, you must opt out for each of your participating courses in myFSCJ. After completing this process, your fee for digital courseware will be removed. It is important to understand you will be responsible for securing the appropriate course materials for the class(es) either through the FSCJ bookstores or some other source.
Although you will not immediately lose access to your course materials when you opt out, they will soon become unavailable so it is important to secure the course materials as soon as possible after your decision to opt out of the program.
Once you complete the opt-out process, it could take several days for those charges to be removed from your account. For a schedule outlining the dates the College will process opt out forms and remove the associated fees, please review the FAQ, "How quickly will the fee be removed from my account after I opt out?"
If you are registered for one or more FSCJ ACCESS classes and you do not wish to participate in the program, you may opt out of each individual course by completing the online form within the myFSCJ student portal. If you are in an ACCESS class, there will be an icon on your Student Center named FSCJ ACCESS Status, which is where you can complete the opt-out process for each course. Instructions can be found here.
Upon completion, the associated cost of course materials will be removed from your account for the FSCJ ACCESS classes that you have opted out of for the upcoming term. It is important to understand you will be responsible for securing the appropriate course materials either through the FSCJ bookstores or some other source.
If you opt out of FSCJ ACCESS, you will be responsible for purchasing the course materials for your class(es).
Fees will be removed from accounts for students who have elected to opt out within 48 hours of opt out submission. If you elect to opt out of the program on a scheduled drop for non-payment day, the fee will be removed that day. The drop schedule can be found here.
The deadlines for opting out of the FSCJ ACCESS program and associated classes are as follows:
Spring Term 2025
A Session – January 13, 2025, 7 p.m.
B Session – February 3, 2025, 7 p.m.
C Session – March 10, 2025, 7 p.m.
Summer Term 2025
A Session – May 12, 2025, 7 p.m.
B Session – June 2, 2025, 7 p.m.
C Session – July 7, 2025, 7 p.m.
Yes. You can opt back into the FSCJ ACCESS program by completing the online form within the myFSCJ student portal. If you are in an ACCESS class, there will be an icon on your Student Center named FSCJ ACCESS Status, which is where you can complete the opt-in process. You should check the box for opt back in to participate in FSCJ ACCESS for that particular class. Be sure to save your selection prior to exiting the form.
The deadlines for opting back into the FSCJ ACCESS program are as follows:
Spring Term 2025
A Session – January 13, 2025, 7 p.m.
B Session – February 3, 2025, 7 p.m.
C Session – March 10, 2025, 7 p.m.
Summer Term 2025
A Session – May 12, 2025, 7 p.m.
B Session – June 2, 2025, 7 p.m.
C Session – July 7, 2025, 7 p.m.
With questions, email
It is important to understand that if you desire to opt out of the FSCJ ACCESS program, you must complete the online form by the deadline noted above in the answer to “What is the deadline to opt out?”. After the noted deadline, you are officially participating in the FSCJ ACCESS program and will be responsible for paying the appropriate course materials charges.
There is nothing you need to do if you are using your Chapter 31 Voc Rehab benefits. As long as you have submitted your authorizations for coverage to the Veterans department at FSCJ, you will be opted out of the FSCJ ACCESS program automatically. Once you are opted out of the program, please do not opt back in. You will need to purchase your course materials through the bookstore directly using your Chapter 31 Voc Rehab book authorization.
You will need to complete the opt-out process and purchase your course materials directly through the bookstore using your Voc Rehab book authorization.
You can find the pricing for class materials by selecting “Manage Classes and Books” within myFSCJ. Review your schedule, select the class and the materials information will be linked from there.